quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2009

Instructions in How to behave in case of falling in love

1º Certify yourself about which person is actually the one you are in love with
2º Make sure you know the person's name
3º Buy some beers
4º Keep asking youself if it is a good thing
5º Drink the beers
6º Write the person a long love letter
7º Make some coffee
8º Throw the letter out and write a better longer love letter
9º Go for more beers. And chips.
10º Call a friend to ask him/her something
11º Invite him/her for a barbecue
12º Go for a lot of beers. And snaks
13º Try to write a poem
14º Play the funky music and dance on the table
15º Switch to Vodka
16º Try to kiss the person-you-are-in-love-with's best friend
17º Pilk on the sofa
18º Make a video of you singing "Garçom" with half your face in the toilet
19º Rounds of Tequila
20º Cry like a baby saying nobody loves you
21º Pee on the washing machine
22º Send the person a text message saying "I wanna u 2 come :) 2 my party"
23º Get the rum and Coke
24º Hit on the person's other best friend
25º See the person, walk towards, say "I love you" and faint
26º Wake up and don't remember a thing
27º Call your friends to ask what a hell happened.

Repeat these steps for a week.

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